“Symphony No. 13 in B flat minor (Babi Yar), Op. 113”
Dmitri Chostakovitch
по лицензии ℗ ФГУП «Фирма Мелодия», 2015 г.
under the licence of ℗ FSUE «Firma Melodiya», 2015
“Under Lviv Castle”
Igor Bogun
Oleksandra Liktor Yakubovych
Under the oak tree a partisan lay
Under the Lviv castle stood an old oak tree
Under the oak tree a partisan lay
His old mother stands above him
Gently she speaks to her son:
“I had five sons
You were the youngest, my dear Andrei”
“When you were a small boy your father fought
He laid down his head for Ukraine”
Don’t cry, old Mother, your son has become a hero!
He also laid down his head for Ukraine
“The Little Duck”
Piccard Tercia
Hey, a little duck floats down the Tissa
Mother, don’t scold me
I do not know where I shall perish
I will die far from here
Who will bury me?
S.N Babkin, A.V. Zaporożhets
℗ Lavina Music
I’m a soldier
I haven’t slept for five years
I’ve got dark circles under my eyes
Haven’t seen them myself
But so I’ve been told
I’m a soldier
I’ve got no head
They kicked it off with their boots
Yo-o-o, the commander shouts
His mouth is torn apart by a grenade
White cotton, red cotton won’t heal a soldier
I’m a soldier
A premature child born of war
I’m a soldier
Mom, take care of my wounds
I’m a soldier
A soldier of a country forgotten by God
I’m a hero
But tell me of which novel
National anthem“Zhivi Novorossiya!”
Oleg Ivashov
Valentin and Mikhaïl Zolotoukhine
We, New Russia, through fires and storms
Under the sky, we have found great happiness
Among our peers, by the will of God
Free people of a free land!
Tatar national anthem “Ant etkenmen”
Noman Çelebicihan
Crimea Tatar National Theater Choir
I pledge to heal the wounds of my nation
Why should my unfortunate brothers rot away
while I live, unless I sing or grieve for them?
If I forget them, may the dark streams of blood in my heart go dry!
Percussion, Tatar Flag Day
State anthem of the Russian Federation
Aleksandr Aleksandrov
Sergueï Mikhalkov
“Ural Mountains”
Hatadzhe Bekirova
Ural mountains
The horses here are no better
Crimean steppes and Crimean gardens
live in my heart and give me joy
You who sent us away, damn you!
May you burn and turn into ashes
and be blinded for sending us away!
Don’t rejoice, you unfortunate people
who live in the houses we left behind
Because one day we will come back to Crimea
and you will go instead to the Ural mountains
“Our Beautiful Family”
Olga Nekruchenko, Tetiana Myskiv
This first flower is my father
This second flower is my mother
They blossom beautifully
Our wonderful family!
Let’s not push each other away
Let’s open our arms to each other
We are all part of the same family
“Evening Star”
Taras Chevtchenko
Olga Nekruchenko, Tetiana Myskiv
How the poplar tree spreads its branches!
How the willow tree bends itself over the water!
Its green branches nearly touch the water
On those branches unbaptized children are swinging
I know, my star, my only friend
But who else knows what is happening here in our Ukraine?
I know and I will speak to you of this before I go to sleep
You, dear star, will gently tell God tomorrow
You will gently tell God tomorrow
National anthem of Ukraine
“The Glory and Will of Ukraine are Not Dead Yet”
Pavlo Chubynsky, Mykhailo Verbytsky
Aleksandre Ponomaryov
The glory and will of Ukraine are not dead yet
Destiny will once more smile on us, brother Ukrainians
Our enemies will perish like the dew in the sun
We shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own